Musings about FP and CS

A log of my journey through FP and CS

Single-page static website generation with Hakyll

by Clement Delafargue on January 24, 2013

Tagged as: hakyll, web.

Static sites generators

Static sites generators are quite the hype these days. They bring lots of advantages over CMSs: security, speed, easier versioning (contents are in the SCM, not in the DB, use a real text editor, not a crappy WYSIWYG)… With web servers like Nginx it only gets better.

I’ve been fond of static site generators for some time now. I’ve started with rest2web which used docutils to generate webpages. We used it to create the website for our Junior Entreprise. Nelle Varoquaux managed to get a nice site to build but I remember it to be non trivial. It involved putting some custom python code im my /lib and bugging rest2web’s creator with a few emails. I liked the concept but it was a real pain to use and even more to customize. Nelle did a fine job with it but our successors at the Junior Entreprise dropped it altogether and replaced it by a hand-rolled PHP website.

Even though the tool support was less than ideal, I got hooked to the idea of static websites.

Some time later, Jekyll became widely used thanks to GitHub pages and I’ve rolled a few websites with it: my company’s website, (I’ll come to that later), my company’s blog, and a few other projects. I’ve advocated its use for

Working with Jekyll gave quick results and easy-to-build websites but this way fell short quite quickly when trying to do less standard stuff.

Building with Jekyll was not possible out-of-the-box, for Jekyll is designed to create one HTML file per input file. Being a single-page website, this led to all kinds of dirty hacks. Generally speaking, very few projects with Jekyll were achieved without hacking its blogpost mechanism in Lovecraftian abominations.

I’ve also tried to use Scalate, a scala templating library which was said to also support static website generation. Due to how it was packaged, I’ve never been able to make it work, but it gave me an interesting vision on static website generation. The key was to provide a library which lets you build your own generator. Unfortunately this is not how most static sites generators work. This way of thinking can more or less be linked to

More libraries, less frameworks

but that’s another story.

Enter Hakyll

Hakyll is a haskell library which lets you create your own site generator. For convenience, there are a few examples provided so you can have a blog running without coding everything; that’s what I did with this blog.

Hakyll uses pandoc, so it supports a huge number of formats.

After porting my blog to Hakyll 4, I felt comfortable enough to try to dive deeper and recreate my company’s website with more modularity, with the different parts cleanly separated into different templates and markdown files.

Here’s my attempt: Every section of the page has its own template and the blocks (whose numbers vary in each section) are in different files.

How it works

Hakyll is based on a few important types:

  • Compiler a, produces a unit and tracks its dependencies. The types are very generic, I won’t be more specific. Compiler is an instance of Monad so you can easily assemble compilers to create more powerful ones.
  • Item a pairs some content to an Identifier
  • Context a provides an immutable context allowing to inject data in a template. Typically, it will contain the file body and its metadata (title, date, tags). You can join contexts since they’re instances of Monoid

For a regular multi-page website, you would write a compiler to turn every input file into an output file.

For a single page website, you have to proceed a bit differently. You can compile every input file, but you have to pipe different compilers to assemble the parts into one page.

In my example, each section contains a title, a description text and a variable number of blocks, each with a title, an image and some metadata. There is a template for the blocks, and a template for the whole section.

The content files follow this structure:

├── formations
│   ├──
│   └──
├── people
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── refs
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── technos
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

The templates follow this one:

├── blocks
│   ├── formations.html
│   ├── people.html
│   ├── refs.html
│   └── technos.html
├── default.html
├── formations.html
├── people.html
├── refs.html
└── technos.html

So, how do we assemble it back ?

First, compile all the blocks

match "blocks/**.md" $ do
    compile pandocCompiler

I’ve not specified a route, so they won’t directly appear in the generated site. They’re just compiled so another compiler can use them.

Compiling a section (for instance, the refs section) is easy. To keep the code simple, I’ll give an example for only one section. The final code is not duplicated, I just pass an options record to keep the whole thing DRY.

First, we assemble the blocks

refsCompiler :: Compiler String
refsCompiler = do
    blocks <- loadAll "blocks/refs"
    blockTemplate <- loadBody "templates/blocks/refs.html"
    blockList <- applyTemplateList blockTemplate defaultContext blocks

applyTemplateList applies a template to every element of the list and joins the result. defaultContext is provided by Hakyll and contains the block’s metadata and body.

Then, we inject the elements in the section and return its contents (we drop its Identifier since it won’t be a page on its own).

    sectionTemplate <- loadBody "templates/refs.html"
    sectionData <- load "blocks/"
    section <- (applyTemplate
                    sectionTemplate (sectionContext blockList) sectionData)
    return $ itemBody section

With sectionContext I pass the blocks list to the section template, while keeping the sections metadata (Context is an instance of Monoid).

sectionContext :: String -> Context String
sectionContext list =
    constField "blocks" `mappend`

The last thing to do is to combine all those compilers into one page:

create ["index.html"] $ do
    compile $ do
        pageData <- load "blocks/"
        r <- refsCompiler
        page <- (loadAndApplyTemplate
            "templates/default.html" (indexContext r) pageData)
        makeItem $ itemBody page

As with sectionContext, indexContext just adds the section contents to defaultContext.

indexContext :: String -> Context String
indexContext r = constField "refs" r `mappend` defaultContext

Here are the important parts. You also have to compile CSS, static files and this sort of stuff, but it’s quite boring.

Once you have everything, juste generate your generator (so meta) and build your site:

$ ghc --make hakyll.hs
$ ./hakyll build

You can also launch a preview server with automatic rebuild:

$ ./hakyll preview

Or check your links to find broken links:

$ ./hakyll check

Hakyll provides simple yet powerful building blocks, letting you build anything you want without resorting to ugly hacks, but keep in mind that you’re not forced to write all the code by yourself. There are examples for common use cases: a static site, a blog with tags, RSS / Atom support, multi-lang setups… The point of this post was that it’s possible to build something really custom with it.

Hakyll is fairly well documented and there are a few hakyll-based websites whose source is available:

Enjoy, and don’t forget to thank Jasper on #hakyll (freenode).